Exploring 8 Unique Marine Species in Hawaii

Hawaii’s coastal ecosystem is a tapestry of interconnected life forms. Beyond the archipelago’s pristine beaches, another world awaits beneath the surface of the Pacific waters. At its core are the vibrant coral reefs adorned with a kaleidoscope of hues and filled with a diverse sea of creatures.
Snorkeling, scuba diving, and other Hawaii tours are not merely recreational activities but gateways to a world reserved for the bravest souls. So, whether you are a thrill-seeker or a curious observer, here are 8 marine species that can only be found in Hawaiian waters:
1. Hawaiian Monk Seal (Monachus schauinslandi)
Hawaiian monk seals have a distinct appearance: strong bodies, short snouts, and deep black or dark brown fur. They are well-adapted, using their streamlined bodies and strong flippers to navigate the water with agility and speed. Most of them also have distinguishing natural markings on their fur, such as scars or bleach marks (white spots).
Unfortunately, their population is threatened by the destruction of their natural habitat, entanglement in marine debris, susceptibility to predation, and a lack of prey. Additionally, fishing, and coastal development have substantially contributed to their critical endangerment and population decline.
2. Hawaiian Bigeye (Priacanthus meeki)
The Hawaiian Bigeye belongs to the Priacanthidae family and is known to be an opportunistic and voracious feeder. It has a cylindrical body with a deep red or pinkish color and large, round pupils. Its sharp teeth allow it to capture and consume its prey efficiently. It is predominantly nocturnal, hunting for food at night.
Although not commercially targeted, the Hawaiian Bigeye is occasionally caught by recreational anglers. It is also encountered by divers and snorkelers who explore the vibrant underwater ecosystems of Hawaii.
3. Hawaiian Dascyllus (Dascyllus albisella)
The Hawaiian Dascyllus has a tight and oval-shaped body, typically measuring around 5-7 cm. It is vibrant, with a bright yellow body adorned with vertical black stripes extending from the dorsal fin to the tail. This striking color pattern serves as camouflage, helping them blend in with their reef surroundings.
4. Brigham Coral (Porites brighami)
The Brigham Coral is named after its discoverer, Charles William Brigham, an American botanist who extensively studied the flora and fauna of Hawaii. It is a hard coral species forming colonies with a distinctive structure consisting of irregularly shaped mounds or clusters of coral polyps. These colonies can grow to impressive sizes, with some reaching over several meters in diameter.
5. Nai’a (Stenella longirostris)
The Nai’a is a species of dolphin found in the waters surrounding the archipelago of Hawaii. It is commonly referred to as the Spinner Dolphin due to its acrobatic spinning leaps, a behavior that captivates both scientists and observers alike. Nai’a is known for its sleek and slender body, reaching lengths of up to 2 meters. They also have a uniquely long, thin rostrum or snout, which gives them their scientific name, longirostris.
These creatures are highly social and form groups called pods, consisting of several individuals to several hundred dolphins. They are known for their dynamic daytime behaviors, including leaping, spinning, and riding the bow waves created by boats. These animated displays are believed to serve various purposes, such as communication, social bonding, and possibly foraging.
6. Hahalua (Manta birostris)
Also referred to as the Giant Manta Ray, Hahalua is one of the largest species of rays in the world. It is characterized by its distinctive diamond-shaped body, which can span up to 7 meters wide. It also has a dark upper surface and a lighter-colored underside. Unlike other rays, Hahalua lacks a tail stinger and possesses large, paddle-like pectoral fins to gracefully glide through the water.
Encounters with the Hahalua have become popular Hawaii tours for scuba divers and snorkelers. People are encouraged to practice responsible ecotourism to ensure the well-being of these creatures and help minimize disturbance to their natural behavior. These include observing from a distance and refraining from touching or chasing the rays.
7. Honu (Chelonia mydas)
The Honu, also called the Green Sea Turtle, holds great cultural significance in Hawaiian mythology and symbolizes the archipelago’s marine life. It has a unique appearance with a large, streamlined body covered in a smooth carapace with shades of brown, black, or olive green. It can also grow to large sizes, with adults reaching lengths up to 1.5 meters and weighing several hundred pounds.
8. Milletseed Butterflyfish (Chaetodon miliaris)
The Milletseed Butterflyfish has a yellowish-orange body with vertical black stripes running across its sides, resembling the markings on a millet seed. It has a disc-shaped body, a color pattern of a black eye band, and a black spot near the base of its tail fin. Furthermore, it is typically found in shallow coastal waters, particularly in areas with abundant coral formations.
Discover More of Hawaii With Botanical World Adventures!
If you’ve set your sights on Hawaii as your next travel destination, prepare for an exhilarating experience with us at Botanical World Adventures! Our range of thrilling Hawaii tours will immerse you in the natural wonders of this archipelagic paradise. We offer zipline tours, guided garden tours, segway tours, and jungle falls bike adventures.
We believe in the importance of responsible ecotourism. As you embark on these escapades, our guides will educate you about the wonderful yet delicate ecosystems surrounding Hawaii. By being mindful of our impact, we ensure the long-term welfare and preservation of the living species that call Hawaii their home.
Call us at 808-731-1160 now!